1 trip found

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  1. Continent:
  2. North America
  3. Accomm. Type:
  4. Guest House
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  1. Category

    1. Heli (1)


    1. USA (1)


    1. $ - Budget (1)

    Services offered

    1. Guiding (1)

    Ability Level

    1. Advanced (1)
    2. Pro (1)


    1. Asia (4)
    2. North America
    3. South America (2)
    4. Western Europe (1)


    1. Northern (1)

    Mountain Range

    1. Alaska Range (1)


    1. Alaska (1)

    Room Type

    1. Dorm (1)

    Amenities & Activities

    1. Internet Wifi (1)
    2. Sauna (1)
    3. Spa (1)

    Dominant Terrain Type

    1. Cliffs (1)
    2. Glaciers (1)
    3. Open Terrain (1)
    4. Steep Terrain (1)
    5. Tree Runs (1)

    Average Annual Snowfall

    1. > 20 meter/year (1)

    Snow Pack

    1. Maritime (1)

    Crowd Factor

    1. Low (1)

    Explorer Level

    1. High (1)
  • 1

    USA: Alaska

    THE original heliskiing experience in Alaska. This dream trip is for riders who want to seek out the steep and dive into the ...

    pp/night from US$ 780
  1. 1